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Grand opening! We are celebrating 30 % discount on our coffee Use "SAVE30" at checkout

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Att: This coffee only ships in Denmark!!

Medium-roasted Arabica from Peru. 1000g. Whole beans in a sealed valve bag made of kraft paper.

An exquisite bean from the beautiful Alto San Ignacio, Cajamarca, Peru.

The coffee is traded through direct trade and is 100% organically grown.

Single-origin coffee.

Notes: Chocolate, vanilla, and caramel.

Processing method: Washed.

The roast level allows for use in both round filter coffee and rich espresso.


Filter - 60g per 1 liter of water.

Espresso - approximately 16-18 grams for a double shot with a flow time of 24-28 seconds.


Peruvian Coffee

Peruvian coffee is known for its high quality due to optimal growing conditions in high-altitude regions. It is often grown under shade, resulting in slow maturation and complex flavors. Production details include careful harvesting, traditional washing method, and sun-drying.

Peruvian coffee thrives best in high-altitude areas, typically between 1,200 and 2,200 meters above sea level. The ideal growing conditions at these heights result in slow maturation, leading to a complex flavor profile. Regions like Cajamarca, Chanchamayo, and Amazonas are renowned for producing excellent coffee due to their optimal altitude and climate.

The flavor notes in Peruvian coffee vary but often include hints of fruit, nuts, and pleasant acidity. The unique combination of climate and cultivation methods contributes to a distinctive profile that appeals to coffee enthusiasts.

Aromatic Arabica coffee from Peru. Medium Roast. 1kg - Roast date 6/6- 2024 (Att: Only ships to and from Denmark)

Regular price $32.52
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Att: This coffee only ships in Denmark!!

Medium-roasted Arabica from Peru. 1000g. Whole beans in a sealed valve bag made of kraft paper.

An exquisite bean from the beautiful Alto San Ignacio, Cajamarca, Peru.

The coffee is traded through direct trade and is 100% organically grown.

Single-origin coffee.

Notes: Chocolate, vanilla, and caramel.

Processing method: Washed.

The roast level allows for use in both round filter coffee and rich espresso.


Filter - 60g per 1 liter of water.

Espresso - approximately 16-18 grams for a double shot with a flow time of 24-28 seconds.


Peruvian Coffee

Peruvian coffee is known for its high quality due to optimal growing conditions in high-altitude regions. It is often grown under shade, resulting in slow maturation and complex flavors. Production details include careful harvesting, traditional washing method, and sun-drying.

Peruvian coffee thrives best in high-altitude areas, typically between 1,200 and 2,200 meters above sea level. The ideal growing conditions at these heights result in slow maturation, leading to a complex flavor profile. Regions like Cajamarca, Chanchamayo, and Amazonas are renowned for producing excellent coffee due to their optimal altitude and climate.

The flavor notes in Peruvian coffee vary but often include hints of fruit, nuts, and pleasant acidity. The unique combination of climate and cultivation methods contributes to a distinctive profile that appeals to coffee enthusiasts.